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Harvard Diary -卒業生より


今回は「SPRING AT HARVARD」。イースターなどについてです。


The thick snow has melted, and it is finally spring here at Harvard!
My friends and I have been taking full advantage of the beautiful
weather by having a picnic by the Charles river, studying outside, and
going on long walks. Today, even my professor decided to hold class
outside! The only thing missing from a perfect spring is Japanese
cherry blossom. 🙂
On Easter weekend (Photo 1), my friends from my entryway (freshman
“family” that live close to you) and I went to a special service held
at Memorial Hall. The university choir’s voice echoed beautifully in
the magnificent building, and it was especially memorable to be able
to sit and listen alongside my close friends who experienced the ups
and downs of freshman year with me. Harvard makes sure that students
can feel right at home when they move to college, and there are many
support systems to ease the transition. I love all of my friends that
I had made here, and I will miss them tremendously over the summer.
Another event was a “Freshman Faculty Dinner” (Photo 2) where each
student is allowed to bring a professor or a teaching assistant of
his/her choice to a special dinner. My friend and I invited our
brilliant PSY16: Developmental Psychology teaching assistant. I had a
wonderful evening learning about his fascinating research and his
goals. Harvard’s liberal arts curriculum emphasizes close
professor-and-student relationships, and there are so many ways for
students to get to know their professors or teaching assistants
outside of the classroom.
I can’t believe that we have less than a month of school until summer
break! I will send another update at the end of the year. 🙂

Akari Furukawa

